About Dr. Mirsalimi
Immediate Past President: American Academy of Couple and Family Psychology
Member at Large: American Board of Couple and Family Psychology
Adjunct Professor of Psychology at Emory University School of Medicine
Board Certifications:
Board Certified in Couple and Family Psychology
Board Certified in Clinical Psychology
Postdoctoral Fellowship: Emory University School of Medicine
Postdoctoral Fellowship: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Mental Health Service
Postdoctoral Fellowship: Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
Internship: Harvard Medical School/McLean Hospital
Ph.D.: Georgia State University
M.A.: California State University at Los Angeles
B.A.: The University of Texas at Austin
Award: American Board of Professional Psychology Kaslow Award
Award: National Council of Schools & Programs of Professional Psychology Diversity Award
Select Publications
Kaslow, N. J., Mirsalimi, H., & Celano, M. P. (2020). Family therapy. In S. B. Messer, & N. J. Kaslow (Eds.), Essential Psychotherapies: Theory and Practice (4th ed.) New York: Guilford Press.
Mirsalimi, H. (2020). Bringing psychotherapy to immigrants. In J. Zimmerman, J. Barnett, & L. Campbell (Eds.), Bringing Psychotherapy to the Underserved: Challenges and strategies. New York: Oxford University Press.
Ketisch, T., Jones, R., Mirsalimi, H., Casey, R. & Milton, T. (2014). Boundary disturbances and eating disorder symptoms. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 42, 438-451.
Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, and Training, 47(2), 151-161.
Mirsalimi, H. (2010). Family therapy. In I. B. Weiner & W. E. Craighead (Eds.), Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology, Vol 2 (pp. 648-651). New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Jones, R. A., Mirsalimi, H., Conroy, J., Horne-Moyer, L. Burrill, C. & Blue, S. (2008). The Teaching Alliance Inventory: Evaluating the student instructor relationship in clinical and counseling psychology training. Counseling Psychology Quarterly, 21(3), 223-235.
Luchner, A., Mirsalimi, H., Moser, C. & Jones, R. A. (2008). Maintaining boundaries in psychotherapy: Covert narcissistic personality characteristics and psychotherapists. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 45(1), 1-14.
Moser, C. J., Jones, R. A., Zaorski, D. M., Mirsalimi, H., & Luchner, A. F. (2005). The impact of the sibling in clinical practice: Transference and Countertransference dynamics. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 42(3), 267-278.
Castro, D., M., Jones, R. A., Mirsalimi, H. (2004). Parentification and the imposter phenomenon: An empirical investigation. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 32, 205-216.
Farber, E. W., Mirsalimi, H., Williams, K., & McDaniel, J. S. (2003). Meaning of illness and psychological adjustment to HIV/AIDS. Psychosomatics, 44(6), 485-491.
Mirsalimi, H., Perleberg, S. H., Stoval, E. L., & Kaslow, N. J. (2003). Family psychotherapy. In I. B. Weiner (Series Ed.) & G. Stricker & T. A. Widiger (Vol. Eds.), Handbook of Psychology: Vol. 8. Clinical psychology (pp. 367-387). New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Mirsalimi, H., Roffe, M. W. (1991). Psychosocial correlates of burnout and depression in HIV counselors. Educational Resources Information Center. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 354 467).
Mirsalimi, H. (2006). Ethical decision-making in organizations. CPCU Society Risk Management Quarterly, 23(2), 5.
Mirsalimi, H., & Hunter, M. (2006). Influential leadership. Rough Notes, 149(8), 76-78.
Mirsalimi, H., Hunter, M., & Hicks, D. (2004). Inside-out leadership. CPCU Society Risk Management Quarterly, 21(4). 6.
Mirsalimi, H. (2008 – Spring). Just for couples: Good communication is a key ingredient of a happy relationship. Male Call: A Quarterly Publication of the Men’s Health and Wellness Center at Saint Joseph’s Hospital.
Mirsalimi, H. (2007 – Fall). Holiday blues or depression: Learn the difference. The Network Connection: A Newsletter of the Cancer Survivors’ Network at Saint Joseph’s Hospital.
Select Professional Presentations
Mirsalimi, H. (2021, May). One of four presenters in a panel discussion in Jeff Zimmerman (Chair), Developing niche practices and other collaborative approaches. A segment of a cooperative virtual symposium between the American Psychological Association and The Practice Institute entitled Building and sustaining a thriving private practice: From start to finish.
Mirsalimi, H. (2021, February). One of five presenters in a panel discussion in Jeff Zimmerman (Chair), Developing a niche practice. A segment of a cooperative virtual symposium between the American Psychological Association and The Practice Institute entitled Transition, transformation and telehealth in clinical practice.
Mirsalimi, H. (2019, August). Bringing psychotherapy to the immigrant population. In L. F. Campbell (Chair), Bringing psychotherapy to underserved populations. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
Mirsalimi, H., Muskat, L.; Robinson, K., Thomas, E., Van Buskirk, A.; & Zaorski, D. (2018, March). Ethics and the current political context: A panel discussion about implications for clinical work, supervision and training. Continuing education workshop sponsored by Georgia School of Professional Psychology at Argosy University, Atlanta, Georgia.
Bayer, C., Walker, J., Muskat, L., & Mirsalimi, H. (2018, March). Patterns of graduate student errors on the WAIS-IV and WISC-V: Implications for fostering proficiency. Poster session presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association, Charleston, South Carolina.
Mirsalimi, H. (2017, July). Providing treatment to the Iranian immigrant: Issues to consider in psychotherapeutic interventions. In Jeffrey Zimmerman (Chair), Bringing psychotherapy to underserved communities: Research, approaches and the future. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of The Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy (APA Division 29), Paris, France.
Mirsalimi, H. (2017, May). Affirmative practice with Muslim clients: Increasing knowledge, skills, and awareness for working effectively with Muslim clients. Oral session presented at the Georgia State University Cultural Competency Summit 2017.
Muskat, L, & Mirsalimi, H. (2017, March). Applying to graduate school in clinical psychology: Tips for applicants in the changing landscape of U.S. healthcare. Oral session presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA.
DeFilippis, N., Reece, T., & Mirsalimi, H. (2015, November). A statistical comparison of French vs. US norms for the Booklet Category Test. Poster session presented at the National Academy of Neuropsychology Meeting, Austin, TX.
Hahn, A., Jones, R., Mirsalimi, H., & Conroy, J. (2013, March). The impact of multicultural sensitivity on the teaching alliance and on the educational experiences of psychology and counseling graduate students. Poster session presented at the 59th Annual Convention of the South Eastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA.
Zimmerman, E., Burns, T., DeFilippis, N., Mirsalimi, H. (2012, February). Proposed score adjustment formula for California Verbal Learning Test – Children’s Version executive functioning processing scores. Poster session presented at the 40th Annual Convention of the International Neuropsychological Society, Montreal, Canada.
Select Community Presentations
Mirsalimi, H. (2018, July). Religion, politics, and existentialism: Reflections on my life. Presented at First Existentialist Congregation.
Mirsalimi, H. (2017, September). Depression and other issues of concern to newly arrived Iranian college students. Presented to the Georgia Iranian Students Organization (GISO) at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech).
Mirsalimi, H. (2017, February). The art of coping. Presented to the Georgia Iranian Students Organization (GISO) at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech).
Mirsalimi, H. (2016, July). A better perspective on executive coaching. Presented to the Financial Executives Networking Group.
Mirsalimi, H. (2016, April). Depression and Anxiety. Presented to the Georgia Iranian Student Organization (GISO) at the Georgia Institute of Technology (GA Tech).
Mirsalimi, H. (2014, October). Coping with stereotyping and prejudice. Presented to the Iranian Student Association at the Georgia Institute of Technology (GA Tech).
Mirsalimi, H. (2014, April). Adjusting to the lifestyle and culture of the United States. Presented to the Iranian Student Association at the Georgia Institute of Technology (GA Tech).
Mirsalimi, H. (2014, February). Depression, suicide, and suicide prevention. Presented to the Iranian Student Association at the Georgia Institute of Technology (GA Tech).
Mirsalimi, H. (2011, April). Sleep: Is it keeping you up at night? Invited presentation at a Lunch and Learn event at Saint Joseph’s Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia.
Mirsalimi, H. (2009, March). The Blues and the Jitters: When It’s Not about Music. Invited presentation at the annual Sharing the Journey – Cancer Survivors’ Conference at Saint Joseph’s Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia.
Mirsalimi, H. (2008, June). Question and answer session with a clinical psychologist. Presented at the Iranian Community Center of Atlanta.
Mirsalimi, H., & Sevy, R. (2008, March). That Uneasy Feeling: The Fear of Recurrence. Invited presentation at the annual Sharing the Journey – Cancer Survivors’ Conference at Saint Joseph’s Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia.
Mirsalimi, H. (2007, December). Family violence: Causes, prevention, and treatment. Presented at the Iranian Community Center of Atlanta.
Mirsalimi, H. (2007, June). Family conflict and suicide prevention. Presented at the Iranian Community Center of Atlanta.
Mirsalimi, H. (2007, June). Computer addiction: Causes and treatment. Presented at the Iranian Community Center of Atlanta.
Mirsalimi, H. (2007, April). How to cope with challenges of caregiving. Presented at Price, Waterhouse, Coopers (through an invitation by The American Cancer Society).
Mirsalimi, H., & Sevy, R. (2007, April). That Uneasy Feeling: The Fear of Recurrence. Invited presentation at the annual Sharing the Journey – Cancer Survivors’ Conference at Saint Joseph’s Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia.
Select Leadership Development Workshops
Mirsalimi, H. (2006, September). Effective dialogue as an influential leadership practice. Presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting and Seminars of CPCU Society, Nashville, Tennessee.
Mirsalimi, H. (2006, September). Effective conflict resolution as an influential leadership practice. Presented at the Annual Meeting and Seminars of CPCU Society, Nashville, Tennessee.
Hunter, M., Hicks, D., & Mirsalimi, H. (2005, October). Developing women leaders. Presented at the 61st Annual Meeting and Seminars of CPCU Society, Atlanta, Georgia.
Hicks, D., Hunter, M., & Mirsalimi, H. (2005, October). Strategic thinking. Presented at the 61st Annual Meeting and Seminars of CPCU Society, Atlanta, Georgia.
Mirsalimi, H., Hunter, M., Fine Knowles, M., Taylor, L., Pender, J. R., & Hicks, D., (2005, October). How behavior and decisions are impacted by leadership, corporate culture, and ethical guidelines. Presented at the 61st Annual Meeting and Seminars of CPCU Society, Atlanta, Georgia.
Hunter, M., Mirsalimi, H., & Hicks, D. (2005, August). Influential leadership for insurance executives. Two and a half day workshop for Parker, Smith & Feek, Inc., Bellevue, Washington.
Mirsalimi, H., Hunter, M., & Hicks, D. (2004, October). Characteristics of influential leaders. Presented at the 60th Annual Meeting and Seminars of CPCU Society, Los Angeles, California.
Hunter, M., Mirsalimi, H., & Hicks, D. (2004, October). Culture competence for leaders. Presented at the 60th Annual Meeting and Seminars of CPCU Society, Los Angeles, California.
Mirsalimi, H. (2004, February). Living a balanced life. Presented at the meeting of A Woman’s Initiative: A Learning Community for Professional Women, Atlanta, Georgia.
Mirsalimi, H., & Hicks, D. (2004, January). Influential leadership. Presented at the meeting of A Woman’s Initiative: A Learning Community for Professional Women, Atlanta, Georgia.
Hicks, D., & Mirsalimi, H. (2003, September). Successful leadership through interpersonal effectiveness. Presented at the Annual meeting of Assurex Global, Chicago Illinois.
Mirsalimi, H. (2003, April). Lonesome success. Presented at the meeting of A Woman’s Initiative: A Learning Community for Professional Women, Atlanta, Georgia.